As Watchman Nee and Witness Lee continued to co-labor, Witness Lee was increasingly charged with a number of responsibilities by Watchman Nee. Through these responsibilities Witness Lee learned from Watchmen Nee:

  1. To work for the Lord in the Lord's recovery
  2. To help others to grow in life
  3. To build up the local church with life
  4. To care for the publication ministry

Having been sovereignly placed under Watchman Nee's leadership, by the Lord's mercy and grace, Witness Lee learned many lessons in the matter of life, in the practice of the church, and in caring for the work in a living way. Witness Lee testified, “How grateful I am to Brother Nee for his perfecting work and for his gracious and wise dealing with me.” In 1935 and 1936 Witness Lee and Watchman Nee spread their ministry work to other areas of China, particularly Peking and Tientsin.

The content of this website is taken from Watchman Nee, A Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age (chapter 32), published by Living Stream Ministry. This website is the second in a series of three, chronicling Witness Lee's working and personal relationship with Watchman Nee:

Part One — A Relationship in the Lord's Calling
Part Two — Co-laboring in the Lord
Part Three — Further Revelations in Their Labor

To access all the above content in a consolidated site, see Witness Lee's Relationship with Watchman Nee.

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